
  • Luther Kadang Jurusan Kimia, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang
  • Abdullah Mutis Food Science (Food Technology), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Amor Tresna Karyawati Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang
  • Samudi Samudi Pengawas Sekolah Tingkat MTs, Kementerian Agama Kab. Kupang, NTT


Halalan Thayyiban, Chemistry Methods, Food Safety, Food Analysis



Halalan Thayyiban concept is the universal benefits of good that can be offered from halal food. The concept is related to food safety and had the potential to support the sustainability of all efforts to develop food quality for humanity in the future. The application of knowledge and technology will push the concept into a trend of food service and food industry in the future. In this case, Chemistry occupies a special position. The main purpose of this research is to study the interrelationships between Halalan Thayyiban concept and Safety Food that has generated by the food service practice and Chemistry methods in food analysis. Another important objective of this research is to analyze the topics of chemistry methods that can be offered in the training of human resources who will be responsible to the Halal assurance of food products as an important part of food safety. The Systematic literature review method approach was used to determine the development of knowledge and research of Halalan Thayyiban of food products, especially in the scope of food analysis as part of food safety. Search strategy and identification of scientific articles and others literature sources used electronic databases. The data base search was conducted using Various keywords such as Halal Food, Halalan Thayyiban, issues in halal food, and food safety. The review critically appraise, evaluate, and identify limitations and strengths of studies related to Halalan Thayyiban of food products as a part of food safety, and role of analytical chemistry in this area. The strength of studies about chemistry methods was offered in food products halal assurance training as a part of food safety. In conclusion, There is a close interrelationships between Halalan Thayibban concept and Food Safety. Halalan Thayyiban concept has become important due to its clean and wholesome requirements, and has encourage Food Safety development in food service practice and food industry. The concept has trigger the development of various chemistry methods in Food Analysis for the benefit of food safety. Some topics of chemistry methods that can be offered in the training of human resources who will be responsible to the Halal assurance of food products as an important part of food safety. These topics include: Halalan Thayyiban principle, chemical analysis in analysis of Halalan Thayyiban of food products (biochemical technique, chromatography techniques, mass spectrometry techniques, electrophoresis techniques, spectroscopic techniques), Chemometric Method in analysis of Halalan Thayyiban of food products, and Laboratory Safety in food analysis of Halalan Thayyiban of food products.


