Persoalan kecelakaan lalu lintas sepeda motor merupakan salah satu fokus utama penelitian-
penelitian keselamatan jalan. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan faktor kepribadian pengemudi
mempengaruhi perilakunya di jalan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana trait kepribadian
seseorang akan mempengaruhi performanya saat berkendara. Kuisioner Big Five Inventory (BFI) dan alat
simulator Honda Riding Trainer (HRT) digunakan sebagai alat ukur, sedangkan analisis yang dilakukan
adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis deskriptif responden menunjukkan bahwa
persentase terbanyak (34%) adalah pada umur 20 tahun. Mayoritas responden (66%) telah mengendarai
sepeda motor sebelum umur 17 tahun, dan hanya terdapat 22% responden saja yang belum pernah
terlibat kecelakaan. Mayoritas pengendara memiliki karakter neuroticism (34%), sedangkan tipe karakter
yang paling sedikit adalah openness (6%). Performa pengendara terbanyak berada pada kategori B
(44%), sedangkan persentase pengendara yang tidak terlibat kecelakaan adalah sebesar 54%. Hasil
analisis regresi linier menunjukkan bahwa variabel openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness, neuroticism, riwayat lakalantas dan umur mulai berkendara, tidak memiliki pengaruh yang
signifikan terhadap performa pengemudi kendaraan roda dua. Hasil analisis regresi ini dapat disebabkan
oleh belum terbiasanya pengendara menggunakan alat simulator HRT, jumlah dan karakteristik sampel
yang terbatas, variabel yang kurang representatif, serta alat analisis yang tidak sesuai.
Kata Kunci: Performa, Simulator, Sepeda Motor, BFI, Kecelakaan.
The problem of motorcycle traffic accidents is one of the main focuses of road safety research.
Several previous studies have shown that drivers' behavioral factors influence their behavior on the road.
This study was conducted to see how a person's traits will affect his performance while driving. The Big
Five Inventory (BFI) questionnaire and the Honda Riding Trainer (HRT) simulator were used as
measuring tools, while the analysis performed was multiple linear regression analysis. The results of
descriptive analysis of motorcycle drivers showed that the highest percentage (34%) was at the age of 20
years. The majority of respondents, as many as 66% have ridden a motorcycle before the age of 17
years, and there are only 22% of respondents who have never been involved in an accident. The majority
of motorists have neuroticism (34%), while the least type of character is openness (6%). The highest
driver performance was in scale B (44%), while the percentage of drivers who were not involved in an
accident was 54%. The results of linear regression analysis showed that the variables of openness,
conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, history of traffic accidents and age of
starting to drive did not have a significant effect on the performance of two-wheeled vehicle drivers. The
results of this regression analysis can be caused by the driver's unfamiliarity with using the HRT
simulator, the limited number and characteristics of the sample, unrepresentative variables, and
inappropriate analysis tools.
Keywords: performance, simulator, motorcycle, BFI, accident.