
  • Titus Lapailaka Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Imanuel Gauru Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Odi Theofilus Edison Selan Universitas Nusa Cendana


Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pemanfaatan arang tempurung kenari teraktivasi H3PO4 sebagai adsorben senyawa fosfat pada limbah domestik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karaktsristik dari arang aktif tempurung kenari dan pengaruh konsentrasi activator H3PO4 dan lama aktivasi pada arang tempurung kenari dalam mengadsorpsi fosfat pada limbah domestik. Penelitian ini menggunakan variasi konsentrasi H3PO4 1, 2 3 M dengan masing-masing waktu aktivasi 1 dan 2 jam. Hasil penelitian Arang aktif tempurung kenari (Canarium vulgare leenh) memperoleh nilai karakterisasi hampir mendekati standar mutu SNI 06-3730-1995 antara lain kadar air tertinggi pada konsentrasi aktivator H3PO4 1 M selama 1 jam sebesar 6,6 % dan terendah pada konsentrasi aktivator H3PO4 3 M selama 2 jam sebesar 4 %. Kadar abu tertinggi pada konsentrasi aktivator H3PO4 1 M selama 1 jam sebesar 7,5 % dan terendah pada konsentrasi aktivator H3PO4 3 M selama 2 jam sebesar 4,3 % serta luas permukaan tertinggi pada konsentrasi aktivator H3PO4 3 M selama 2 jam sebesar 27,12 m2/g dan Semakin tinggi konsentrasi aktivator H3PO4 dan waktu aktivasi maka semakin tinggi pula daya adsorpsi arang aktif tempurung kenari (Canarium vulgare leenh) yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai daya adsorpsi dan persentase yang diperoleh pada konsentrasi 3 M selama 2 jam yaitu 33,982 mg/L dan 94,6%.
Kata Kunci: Tempurung Kenari, Arang aktif, dan Ion Fosfat

Research on the utilisation of walnut shell charcoal activated by using H3PO4 as an adsorbent of phosphate compounds in domestic waste has been conducted. The objective of this research is to find out the optimum concentration of H3PO4 and the optimum activation time in the production of walnut shell charcoal. This research also aims to characterize the corresponding walnut shell charcoal ability to adsorb phosphate in domestic waste. This research used several H3PO4 concentration including; 1, 2, and 3 M with the activation time of 1 and 2 hours. The results indicated that the characteristics of the activated walnut (Canarium Vulgare Leenh) shell charcoal meet the SNI 06-3730-1995 quality standard. The results showed that the activated walnut (Canarium Vulgare Leenh) shell charcoal with the highest water content of 6,6% could be produced using a 1 M H3PO4 activator for 1 hour activation time while the ones with the lowest water content of 4% was generated using 3 M H3PO4 as the activator for 2 hours. The activated walnut (Canarium Vulgare Leenh) shell charcoal  with the highest ash content  (7,5%) was obtained when using a 1 M H3PO4 for 1 hour  while the lowest ash content (4,3%) was generated using 3 M H3PO4 for 2 hours activation time. The highest surface area of the activated walnut (Canarium Vulgare Leenh) shell charcoal was 27,12 m2/g obtained when using 3 M H3PO4. It was found that the higher the H3PO4 activator concentration and the activation time the higher adsorption capacity of the activated walnut (Canarium Vulgare Leenh) shell charcoal. The respective values of 33,982 mg/L and 94,6% were obtained for the adsorption capacity value and the percentage of phosphate adsorption of the activated walnut (Canarium Vulgare Leenh) when using 3 M H3PO4 concentration for 2 hours at.
Keywords: content, formatting, article.




How to Cite

Lapailaka, T., Gauru, I., & Selan, O. T. E. (2021). PEMANFAATAN ARANG TEMPURUNG KENARI (Canarium Vulgare Leenh) TERAKTIFASI ASAM FOSFAT SEBAGAI ADSORBEN FOSFAT PAA LIMBAH DOMESTIK . SAINSTEK, 5(1), 301–315. Retrieved from