Menuju Kesejahteraan Siswa: Peningkatan Student Well-Being melalui Pelayanan Profesional Guru BK


  • Tuti Sukarni Divisi Ikatan Bimbingan & Konseling Sekolah, ABKIN


Students Well-Being, BK Teacher, Counseling Services, Social and Emotional Skills Development


This paper discusses the issue of student well-being in the world of modern education. The high level of academic pressure, social problems and emotional challenges faced by students can affect their well-being in the school environment. The role of guidance and counseling teachers is key in providing professional services that help overcome students' mental and emotional problems and improve their well-being. This paper aims to understand how academic pressure affects students' well-being, the impact of psychological stress on students' well-being, and how social problems can affect students' well-being and how guidance and counseling teachers provide support to overcome these problems. In understanding students' well-being, physical, mental and social concepts are important. Fulfilling students' basic psychological needs, resilience, self-esteem, and social support from teachers and peers also play an important role in improving their well-being. The role of guidance and counseling teachers in improving students' well-being includes individual and group counseling services, as well as developing support programs in schools. Training and developing the competency of BK teachers is the key to providing quality services. Through appropriate counseling services, development of social and emotional skills, and collaboration between parties, guidance and counseling teachers can act as agents of significant change towards student welfare in the school environment.


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