Subjective Well-being Guru Bimbingan & Konseling yang Professional


  • Durrotunnisa Universitas Tadulako, Palu


Subjective Well-Being, BK’s Teacher, Profesional


Subjective well-being describes an individual's overall well-being in terms of life satisfaction in a specific environment. This relates to the extent to which a person feels satisfied with the living conditions they experience. A guidance counselor who understands himself completely, interprets his professional role, and grows and develops is an indicator of a guidance counselor with good psychological well-being. This type of research is quantitative. The sample selection used a saturated sample of 85 BK teachers who were currently undergoing Teacher Professional Education (PPG) at Tadulako University, Palu (2020, 2021 and 2022). The instrument used to measure life satisfaction is SWLS (E. D. Diener et al., 1985). which consists of 5 items and the PANAS Scale (Brdar, 2014) which consists of 10 statement items. The reliability of the SWB instrument is α=0.820 (p=0.005). The research results show that the Life Satisfaction aspect shows that each teacher has varying positive affect and negative affect, as does their cognitive evaluation. This shows that their lives are still not good, less prosperous, and have not achieved the ideal life. For the Positive Affect aspect, most of them are at the top level, namely 72% (very high and high). Furthermore, the Negative Affect aspect which shows the grouping results is that 57.65% of teachers are in the high group (very high and high), and 43.35% are at the lower level (low and very low).


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