Pemanfaatan Karya Sastra sebagai Media Alternatif Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Populasi Khusus


  • Eva Dwi Kurniawan Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta


Literary Works, Learning Media, Special Populations, Phenomenology


Learning media has an important role in delivering teaching materials. Without relevant learning media, the teaching material delivered cannot achieve the expected things. Innovation and breakthroughs are needed to determine learning media in order to present a constructive, creative, and fun lecture atmosphere. This paper is a conceptual study of the use of literary works as an alternative medium of learning. The purpose of this paper is to explain how to utilize literary works in learning the Special Population course. The method used in this study uses a phenomenological perspective, namely conducting analytical studies based on the teaching practices of the Special Population course using literary media. Observations made using teaching media for literary works are used as a basis in writing this conceptual study. The results and recommendations given are to utilize the wealth of literary texts as an alternative medium in learning the Special Population course in the Guidance and Counseling study program. Through literary media, theoretical abilities in analyzing the character of special populations can be more easily understood and practiced directly in analyzing.


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