Pengaruh Pemberian Motivasi dari Orang Tua terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 1 Lamaknen


  • Wilhelmina Olok Universitas Persatuan Guru 1945 NTT, Kupang
  • Ferdinan L. Lopo Universitas Persatuan Guru 1945 NTT, Kupang
  • Martin Dewi Lengo Universitas Persatuan Guru 1945 NTT, Kupang


Motivation, Parents, Academic Output, Lamaknen


This research is entitled "The Effect of Motivation from Parents on the Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students at SMP Negeri 1 Lamaknen, Kelapa Lima District, Kupang City." The problem in this research is the low learning outcomes of students, where the average score of most students is below the minimum completeness criteria. (KKM) which is thought to be caused by a lack of motivation from parents in the form of parental ability, availability of facilities and provision of incentives (prizes). State Middle School 1 students Lamaknen in an effort to obtain data the author used interviews, documentation and questionnaires. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Lamaknen, the population in this study was students from class VIII A – E, totaling 100 people. In this research, statistical analysis techniques were used (t test and F test). The results of the research analysis show that parental ability (X1), availability of facilities (X2) and provision of incentives (prizes) (X3) influence student learning outcomes. partially proven by the t test with an error rate of 5%, we obtain ttable = O.677. Proving that the value of tcount > ttable where the value of tcount for parental ability = 3.00 the value of tcount for the availability of learning facilities = 15,699 and the value of tcount for giving incentives (prizes) = 34,384. The results of the F test show the simultaneous influence of parental motivation on student learning outcomes. The magnitude of the influence of parents' abilities on student learning outcomes is proven by Ftable with dk numerator (3) and dk denominator N-m-1, namely 100-3-1 = 96 Ftable value at an error rate of 5% = 4.04, proving that the Fcount value > Ftable ie > 4.04


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