Participatory Approach in The Development of Lactation Care Training Modules For Posyandu Cadre


  • Kristiani Desimina Tauho Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana


Teaching Media, Module, Lactation, Stunting


Stunting is a nutritional problem influenced by lactation care, infection, family, social and community factors. The existence of posyandu cadres in the community is expected to be an extension of health workers in providing education related to lactation care for pregnant and lactating women to deal with stunting. A practical and straightforward module is needed to support this lactation care education. This article aims to describe the process of developing a lactation care training module for posyandu cadres. Developing this module is a participatory method involving academics in Mother-Child Health (MCH) and nutrition, health practitioners, nurses and midwives, and posyandu cadres in Salatiga City. Modules were developed in 4 significant activities over three months: initial design, manufacture, testing, and evaluation of modules. All academics and health practitioners were actively involved in the four activities, while posyandu cadres were only interested in the early stages of module design and testing. Situation analysis and identification of solutions were the first steps in module design carried out through literature studies and discussions with health workers at the Cebongan Health Center, Salatiga City. Then, two trials and revisions were carried out by the drafting team itself, 1 test and correction of the use of the module directly to 15 posyandu cadres and an evaluation of the module. In the trial using the module, the results of the paired t-test statistical test were obtained with a significance value of 0.048 at a 95% level of confidence, indicating that there was a significant difference in the value of posyandu cadres' knowledge before and after using the lactation care training module. The modules are then distributed to posyandu cadres for use when conducting counseling related to lactation care.


