
  • Ignasius Budiman K. Ganggas Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Yoseba Pulinggomang Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Indri Astuti Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Ricky Foeh Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia


This study is entitled Quality Control of Original Bajawa Arabica Coffee Products (KOBBA).
This study aims to (1) determine and explain the quality control of Bajawa Arabica coffee
products in Kupang City. (2) Determine and explain the factors causing defects in Bajawa
Arabica coffee products in Kupang City. The research variables used in this study are quality
control, input (including raw materials, labor, machines, and quality standards), production
processes, and output. The types and sources of data in this study are qualitative and
quantitative data, data sources, primary data, and secondary data. The data collection
techniques used by researchers are interviews, observations, questionnaires, and documentation.
The data analysis techniques used are Pareto diagrams and fishbone diagrams. Pareto diagrams
are used to discuss the level of dominant damage and types of damage that occur in Arabica
coffee products, while fishbone diagrams are used to analyze the factors causing damage to
Arabica coffee products. The results of this study indicate that quality control carried out on
Bajawa Arabica coffee products has not been properly monitored so that there are still several
types of defective/damaged products. The types of defects that occur in Arabica coffee products
are burnt (as much as 14 kg) and broken (as much as 16 kg) with the number of product defects
in January 2023-December 2023 being 30 kg. Based on the Pareto diagram, the priority of
improvements that need to be made to reduce the amount of damage that occurs in the
production process can be done on the most dominant type of damage, namely the type of broken
defect with a percentage of 53%. The factors causing defects in coffee products are human
factors and work methods. Therefore, the Company must make improvements to the production
process such as paying attention to human/employee factors in order to pay more attention to the
methods used properly.


