
  • Ajis Salim Adang Djaha Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Peter de Rozari Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Syukur Muhaymin Adang Djaha Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia


The changing boundaries of the Kupang Regency area was carried out duet o the relocation of
the regency capital to Oelamsi. The relocation of the capital has caused of good principles
govermance such as efficiency, effectivenss, responsiveness and accessibility of kupang Regency
government services in Semau Island community to experience a significant decline. These
principles are difficult to implement due to geographic, demographic and economic factors of
the community. This condition encoureged the initiative of the community who wanted to join the
Kupang City government area. The initiative was conveyed during the administration of Yonas
Salean as Mayor of Kupang snd Frans Lebu Raya as Governor of East Nusa Tenggara with the
main reason being “far away and access costs that cannot be raeched by most Semau residents”.
This initiative is in line with the theory of gravity “center-periphery”. The Kupang attraction as
the capital of Kpuang City is stronger than the attraction og Oelamasi as the capital og Kupang
Regency. This research conducted by mixed method. Quantitative in the form of a survei with
565 respondents and qualitative through focus group discussions (FGD) by community leaders
and Semau traditional leaders as respresentatives of 14 villages. The results of the FGD showed
that most of the leders “agreed” if Semau was diversioned into Kupang City, but there was a
suggestion from FGD participants that it was necessary to ask all Semau resident about the
diversion. Based on this proposal, a survei was then conducted, the results of which showed that
386 (68.32%) respondents agreed, 81 (14.34%) disagreed, and 98 (17.35%) were hesitant about
the transfer of Semau from Kupang City. It is recommended that the results of this study be the
basis for academic feasibility if the transfer process begins.


