The study entitled Production Area Planning at UD Padu Padan Tenun, Kupang City aims to
determine and explain the planning of production areas and raw materials for weaving at UD
Padu Padan Tenun. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, and
documentation. While the data analysis technique uses forecasting and Break Event Point (BEP).
The results of the study showed that the number of forecasts for sales of woven shirts at UD
Padu Padan Tenun showed that in 2024 there were 65 pieces, in 2025 there were 67 pieces and
in 2026 there were 69 pieces. The results of the Break Event Point (BEP) analysis showed that if
UD Padu Padan Tenun produced 69,531 pieces of woven shirts or Rp. 104,201,680, then Padu
Pada Tenun would not make a profit or suffer a loss because at that time UD Padu Padan Tenun
was in a state of basic return. And if the company produces below the BEP point, the company
will experience a loss, and vice versa if the company produces above the BEP point, the
company will experience a profit. Based on the research results, it is suggested that it can be a
consideration for the company in relation to decision making in determining the number of
orders and good planning for the inventory of woven raw materials in order to facilitate the
production process in the company. And for the company UD Padu Padan Tenun, it is necessary
to make a production plan or number of orders.