Relationship between Peer Conformity and Consumptive Behaviour at KIP Scholarship-awarded Students
conformity, peer, consumptive, indonesia smart college card, Nusa Cendana UniversityAbstract
The Indonesian government provides education funding assistance called the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) to students at the primary to tertiary levels. For the college level, these funds are given directly to the beneficiary students and are expected to be managed independently and wisely to meet the needs of life and lectures. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between peer conformity and consumptive behavior in KIP Lecture recipient students at Campus B, Nusa Cendana University. A total sample of 105 students was selected using the purposive sampling technique. The research data were collected using questionnaires on peer conformity and consumptive behavior. Descriptive analysis was conducted to describe the characteristics of respondents and research variables. Correlation analysis with the help of the SPSS for Windows 27 version application was carried out to determine the relationship between peer conformity and consumptive behavior. The results of the analysis found that the majority of students have a high level of peer conformity (79%) and consumptive behavior (86.7%). Students' conformity behavior is shown by being compact and obedient to the group but tend to lack the commitment to peer group agreements. More than half (65.7%) of students tend to make impulsive and irrational purchases (64.8%), with half students (52.4%) wasting money to find pleasure. The results of the product-moment correlation analysis show that there is a significant positive relationship with a value of r = 0.577, p < 0.05 between peer conformity and consumptive behavior. Further exploration still needs to be done on the correlation of KIP funds with student learning achievement and deep analyzing on the aspects of conformity and consumptive behavior in students.