
  • Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Science, Applied Science, Teaching and Education
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024)

    The third ICoSASTE 2024 aims to be a dissemination forum as well as a hub for all figures in the world of education, including lecturers, teachers, educational observers and educational practitioners, so that they can exchange ideas regarding the latest issues in the relevant fields of teaching and education. Here, we invited three keynote speakers, (1) Ass.Prof Jennifer Schneider from Oklahoma State University ; (2) Prof. Andy Gao from University of New South Wales and (3) Prof. Dr. Ketut Artawa,M.A from Udayana University. We also involved three invited speakers, that is, (1) Prof. Dr. Yantus AB Neolaka,S.Pd.,M.Si from the Chemistry Education Study Program, FKIP – Undana ; (2) Santri E.P Djahimo, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling.,Ph.D.,Post Grad.Dip (RMS) from English Education Study Program, FKIP – Undana ; (3) Dr. Hamza H. Wulakada,M.Si from  Geography Education Study Program, FKIP – Undana. In this occassion, we sincerely expressed our deep thanks for the figures above for their willingness to appear at the international conference.